Biodiversity Net Gain

Male blackbird on alert © Jon Hawkins

Male blackbird on alert © Jon Hawkins

Delivering Biodiversity Net Gain in Greater Manchester

Biodiversity Net Gain

Biodiversity Net Gain aims to ensure that the overall biodiversity value of a development site is increased, leaving biodiversity in a better state than it was before. It will become law in winter 2023/2024, meaning that most developments will have to demonstrate that they are able to enhance wildlife on-site to obtain planning permission. This will involve not only compensating for wildlife lost, but also increasing the biodiversity value of the land by 10%. If this cannot be achieved on site, developers will be required to provide off-site biodiversity improvements by paying for Biodiversity Net Gain units.

Thanks to funding from Natural Environment Investment Readiness Fund, secured in July 2022, the Greater Manchester Environment Fund is working in partnership with a number of districts in Greater Manchester to share learning and focus on resolving challenges and barriers which districts may face associated with Biodiversity Net Gain, such as the need for robust verification, ensuring unit costs cover the work and type of legal agreements required, monitoring contracts, and work to minimise risk and liabilities both short and long term. We are also supporting the establishment of 5 sites ready to sell BNG units that have been identified as sites in the most strategic locations.   

Learning from this project will be shared both within Greater Manchester and beyond to help ensure BNG investment is maximised.  It will be critical that support to Local Authorities, developers and landowners continues beyond this project. The Greater Manchester Environment Fund has established a service to provide this support throughout the Biodiversity Net Gain process of bringing forward sites suitable for BNG, negotiating sale of units and agreements, and ensuring appropriate mechanisms for verification and monitoring ensure compliancy.

Why work with the Greater Manchester Environment Fund?

Biodiversity Net Gain provides an incredible opportunity to restore nature on a ‘landscape scale’ across Greater Manchester. GMEF is an independent charity and has strong relationships with local planning authorities and the biodiversity community across our city region. We work closely with our partners to ensure that Biodiversity Net Gain payments are used strategically and effectively, with maximum benefit in support of the priorities identified within our Local nature Recovery Network Strategy. 

We are also able to ‘pool’ Biodiversity Net Gain payments, allowing us to support larger-scale, more sustainable projects. This can bring projects together to create wildlife corridors, promoting connectivity between high value areas for wildlife.

Advantages of working at a Greater Manchester level:

  • GMEF is targeting the most strategic sites that have been assessed for their value in contributing to the Greater Manchester Local Nature Recovery Network Strategy. 

  • Central co-ordination reduces risk of unit price disparity and challenge by developers.

  • Centrally pooled BNG unit payments can be invested to generate more funds to support other schemes such as The Green Space Fund.

  • Central co-ordination increases the ability for joined-up supply sites that prioritise impact on the Local Nature Recovery Network Strategy.

  • Economy of scale will ensure a more cost effective approach that funds suitably qualified ecologists, within not for profit organisations. Knowledge and expertise provided by GMEF is crucial to avoid risk of schemes underselling restoration, maintenance and monitoring contracts, all of which increase liabilities through legal compliance.

  • GMEF is committed to ensuring BNG maximises the amount of land improved.

Advantages of working at a local level:

  • GMEF can support the prioritisation of sites to take forward from the Needs and Supply Assessment undertaken by Greater Manchester Ecology Unit.

  • Site identification will maximise where investment is focused.

  • Greater viability of securing upfront investment so that physical improvements on critical sites starts now rather than waiting for development. This ensures co-benefits are realised faster such as climate action plan, employment and training, flooding, health and wellbeing, etc.

  • Early negotiations and communication with developers / consultant ecologists can be co-ordinated by GMEF.  

How we can support:


Willow tit

Habitat Banking

Greater Manchester is seeking to embed Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) policy across its 10 districts to ensure sustainable development that measurably enhances biodiversity as part of its commitment to becoming a green city region.

To support these ambitions, GMEF is developing a Habitat Banking Facility to unlock private investment in local nature recovery across the city region in advance of the need to mitigate the impact of new developments.

Coming Soon