Rewilding Fairfield Hospital for Everyone

A view of a tree from below, looking up the trunk to the canopy of leaves and blue sky beyond

Rewilding Fairfield Hospital for Everyone

About the project

PROJECT TITLE: Rewilding Fairfield Hospital for Everyone

LOCATION: Multi District

FUNDING: Awarded £40,000 in Round Four of the Greater Manchester Green Spaces Fund

DELIVERED BY: NorthCare Charity

The idea

This project aims to revitalise Fairfield General Hospital's green areas, benefiting the hospital and the broader community.

These improvements address identified disparities by providing training, volunteering, education, and childhood development support, enhancing the wellbeing of staff, patients, and residents. Additionally, the project promotes biodiversity and acts as a hub for green social prescribing.

It will align with local health needs by simplifying green service access. Collaboration with local schools and groups lacking green spaces will allow them to enhance their facilities and offer.

Ultimately, the initiative aims to improve community services and outcomes beyond the traditional hospital setting for our neighbourhoods.

This project is supported by Auto Trader, who contributed additional funds to Round 4 of the Green Spaces Fund.