Our Happy Place

Group of people all planting a sapling in the ground

Our Happy Place

About the project

PROJECT TITLE: Our Happy Place

LOCATION: Manchester

FUNDING: Awarded £24,750 in Round Four of the Greater Manchester Green Spaces Fund

DELIVERED BY: Rainbow Suprise

The idea

Creating a high-quality community garden at the rear and side of Rainbow Surprise, which is already a hub for the community offering a food bank, shop and various classes.

The vision is to set up a Gardening Club for adults, particularly engaging those with physical and learning disabilities. Residents will also create a “Help Yourself Garden” growing varieties of vegetables, fruits, and herbs.

There will also be a green outdoor space where people of all ages can get together, relax and spend time outdoors in nature to assist their mental health & wellbeing.

This project is supported by Auto Trader, who contributed additional funds to Round 4 of the Green Spaces Fund.