The Roost At Bright Meadows

Close up photo of flowers in a meadow

Meadow by Kristine Cinate

The Roost At Bright Meadows

About the project

PROJECT TITLE: The Roost At Bright Meadows


FUNDING: Awarded £25,597 in Round Two of the Greater Manchester Green Spaces Fund 

DELIVERED BY: Little Bats Learning CIC

The idea

This project is working to convert an unused green space into an edible forest garden for local residents. The team will build a substantial team of volunteers over time, giving individuals the opportunity to learn practical woodland/planting/gardening skills, such as hedge/tree management and coppicing for optimal growth. 

Around 600 trees will be planted consisting of hazel, hawthorn, blackthorn, dogwood and dog rose. Besides providing edible plants and nuts for humans, they will also offer habitats and food for all sorts of wildlife. Additionally, the canopy layer will initially consist of 18 mixed fruit trees of apple, cherry, plum, pear. Planting a wide variety of native perennial plants and trees will also improve the quality of the soil and increase its capacity for storing carbon. Bird boxes, ladybird boxes, minibeast hotels, hedgehog highways will also be added to the site to provide more space for wildlife to rest and nest.